About Me

16. Januar 2022 2023-04-11 19:06

About Me

Just call me 'Liza'

It took me a little while to realise that I am creative and that I have to live that out professionally. But when I look at little Liza from back then, I can clearly see the potential. I imagined a lot, played outside a lot, built a pond in the sandpit with foil or a kind of playground, built a refrigerator out of building blocks, an aquarium… In my teens I discovered dancing for myself and developed choreographies.

When I left home at 19, my journey to myself began with not knowing. Not knowing what I want, who I am or where I want to go. I broke off my hairdressing apprenticeship, then I did many internships in various professions to first find out what I could do and what I wanted. Among other things, I did internships in advertising agencies, applied for communication design in Berlin, but I only got rejections. Through the creation of a portfolio, I came to photography and over time it developed into fashion photography. I had great fun working and creating with all kinds of people. In the beginning I was taking everything into my own hands, from make-up and styling to location scouting. My self-taught, independent and organisational skills came into their own here. This was also the first time I consciously discovered my creative potential. My imagination played a big role in this.  The combination of model, clothes, make-up, location and light could tell a story in a picture.

But since I wasn’t earning any money with it, I started to study art history. A completely different world, more distanced from creativity, but I learned a lot about scientific work, became better at writing texts and was on the other side of art as an art historian. I worked in interesting institutions like Haus am Lützowplatz or Künstlerhaus Bethanien.

But I had to realize again that I was missing something, namely being creative myself. Since I was becoming increasingly unhappy I started a job coaching, which got me back on the „right“ track. I took a further training as a graphic designer and applied as such. It took a while but my dream came true and I was hired as a graphic designer.

Some projects may take a little longer thats because I don’t do mass production. My natural urge is to create a design that reflects the language of the client and at the same time to develop my style bit by bit with each project, which helps the next client. A productive cycle with every project 🙂



Adobe XD



